Stone Valley 250g Whole Beans - Modern Life - Brazil

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Altitude - 950 - 1400 MASL

Preparation - Pulped Natural

Location - Matas de Minas, Brazil

Variety - Yellow Catuai

Profile - Almond, Milk Chocolate, Caramel


This coffee is a real crowd pleaser. Creamy and full bodied with notes of chocolate and caramel it’s a great coffee for everyday drinking. The pulped natural processing adds just a hint of boozy-ness but only in a very subtle way. Quite low in acidy so it works great black or with milk. A really versatile coffee that will work well from espresso to French press.

This is our fourth year of sourcing our Brazilian coffee from the same farm. Every year the team at Fazenda Pedra Redonda keep growing better and better coffee and we are delighted to work with them year on year .


Recommended Listening: Infinity on High, Fall Out Boy - 2007