Size: A5 Colour: white Inside: blank Envelope: brown kraft Printed on 280GSM plantable seed card. 100% b grade recycled waste + seed mix. The manufacturing process is entirely free of chlorine.
The standard seed mix contains a range of meadow grasses and Wildflower seeds. The meadow grasses include brown top bent, red fescue, meadow fescue, crested dog tail & smooth stalked meadow grass. The wildflower seeds include birdsfoot trefoil, black knapweed, black medick, common vetch, meadow buttercup, musk mallow, ox-eye daisy, ribwort campion, self heal, white campion & yarrow.
Picture for display purposes only. Colours may vary. How to plant: * first, soak the card in water and then place it in lightly compressed soil, * lightly cover the paper with soil and give a good water, * make sure to keep the soil moist and to keep in a sunny spot.